Can high school students have a car over the summer?

Summer Session high school residential students are not permitted to have motor vehicles on campus or ride in the private vehicles of others, except for University-sponsored events led by the staff or preapproved rides from adult family members, family friends, or ride services. This restriction includes any private vehicles that require registration and licensing to operate on public streets as well as golf carts and motorized scooters or mopeds. Failure to abide by this policy will result in sanctions that may include immediate removal from the program.

Summer Session high school students must receive a parent/guardian permission request and residential staff approval to use commercial services such as ridesharing services and taxis. Permission forms for riding in a private vehicle will be made available to parent(s)/guardian(s) after the start of the program. Summer Session high school students may use public transportation, such as local buses, Stanford shuttles, and trains.