What should I pack?

Make sure you have everything you need (and leave items  you don’t need at home) by checking your packing list before leaving for the summer!

What to bring

  • Government-issued photo ID/passport
  • Health insurance card (unless purchasing Cardinal Care)
  • Pillow and pillowcase
  • Bed sheets* (see bed size below)
  • Blanket or lightweight comforter
  • Towels
  • Laundry bag
  • High-efficiency detergent
  • Shower sandals
  • Clothes hangers
  • Personal health/grooming supplies
  • Clothing for changing weather conditions
    • Northern California possesses many micro-climates, and weather can change drastically from hot to cold or cold to hot.
  • Medication
  • NOTE: All rooms are equipped with an *twin bed, desk, desk chair, and dresser for each student. Pillows, bed linens, and towels are not provided. As desired, you can purchase items like pillows, bedding, and towels in the local area when you arrive at Stanford. Keep in mind potential waste and taking your items with you when you leave the program. There will be an opportunity to donate items at move-out.  
  • *International Honors Program (IHP) student rooms  have a standard twin-sized bed.
  • *Undergraduate residence rooms have  a XL twin-sized bed.
  • *Single Graduate residence rooms  have a full extra-long bed. 

What NOT to bring

  • Pets of any kind, including aquatic and reptilian
  • Appliances with open heating elements, such as hot plates or toasters
  • Weapons or ammunition
  • Candles, torches, incense, and open-flame devices
  • Halogen lamps
  • Mercury thermometers
  • Drugs and drug paraphernalia
  • Cigarettes 
  • Irreplaceable valuables
  • Hobbyist drones or other Unmanned Flying Vehicles (UFVs)
  • Alcohol if you are under 21


  • Computer 
    • Computers are available in the computer clusters in the residences, as well as at several computing clusters around campus. Students are encouraged to bring their own computer if they have one and if it is easy to pack. 
  • Small desk lamp
  • Cell phone
  • Musical instruments
  • Semi-formal attire is optional for some events this summer, but not required
  • Portable fan (Rooms are not air-conditioned)
  • Power strip/surge protector
  • Necessary chargers
  • Mattress pad
  • Shower caddy
  • Book bag
  • Sports equipment (golf clubs, tennis racket, cleats, etc.)
  • Bicycle / skateboard / method of transport around campus
    • Students can rent a bike for Summer Quarter at the Campus Bike Shop.
    • Bike Lock
  • A car
    • High school residential students cannot bring a car or drive a car during the duration of the program; however, high school commuter students may have a car on campus. 
    • Parking permits are required to park on campus during the day. A selection of permit classifications is available to fit individual needs. For more information, students should visit the Parking and Transportation Services (P&TS) website. Students must have their Stanford ID card and will need to wait until just before the start of the Summer Quarter in order to purchase on-campus parking permits.