Are mental health services available during the summer?

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers urgent crisis support, consultation, referral support, resource information, and brief counseling for Stanford students. CAPS maintains strict confidentiality. However, there are exceptions to the confidentiality of counselor-patient information set by federal and state law, which include harm or potential harm to self or other, or potential harm to someone under age 18. 

For students who have ongoing mental health care needs, and who will only be on Stanford campus briefly (for example for a single quarter, or for a summer session), CAPS recommends you work with your current mental health provider(s) to determine how to maintain your current treatment plan, including provision of medication. If your provider(s) cannot support your care during your time at Stanford, or if they recommend you engage in local care, CAPS can provide consultation prior to your arrival to determine appropriate local resources.

More information is available on the CAPS website: